Logistics start-up Avicore Aviation Pvt. Ltd plans to invest $100 million, or about Rs400 crore, to launch a new cargo airline before mid-2008 from the country’s first dedicated cargo airport at Nagpur. The start-up is backed by Indian and some US-based non-resident Indian businessmen through Avicore Llc. Your blog comes with many beautiful design options. Click Designs to choose the one that’s right for you. To show and hide details from your blog, like the Author, Likes Counter, and more - head to Settings. Readers can easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter and view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more. The main Indian promoter is Abhay Lodha , managing director of Mumbai-base company, which has interests in steel and power plants, along with Avicore Aviation chief executive Shankar Devarajan. Avicore is the third firm that has applied to the government for a licence to launch a cargo airline. Interest in the country’s air ...